Friday 10 January 2014

You have caught a wild 20-something!

Song of the day:  Love Like A Sunset Part 1 - Phoenix

So, the first post. That which I spent quite a while mentally composing in the shower earlier, only to be suddenly drawing a blank now that I'm actually trying to write it. It's always the way, isn't it? Blogs would be a lot easier if the first post didn't exist and we just got straight into it.

The basic premise is this:

Who are you? 

I'm a twenty-something trying to navigate the perils of becoming an adult.

Becoming an adult?

Yes. I graduated university about six months ago - it was some time summer 2013 but I'm not sure what month to call it. I had my last class in March, last exam in May (or was it April?), found out that I'd passed in June, got module results in July, and had my graduation ceremony at the end of August. So about six months ago.

What did you study? 

BSc Anthropology! Followed by a brief attempt at MA Film & Philosophy, before quitting due to lack of finances and it just not being the right course for me.

You didn't answer the question, becoming an adult? 

So six months ago I graduated, and since then I've been working not very many hours at two zero-hour contract jobs, getting to grips with a minor mental health problem, and living on my own in a house with two guys I'd never met before I moved in, brief look around the place aside (where I met one, not the other). I don't know many people who live in the city, despite this being my fourth year here, I still have things left to unpack from moving in on August 1st, and I generally don't do very much with my days. But...

There is a but!
Not that kind.

But I'm now making a conscious effort to stop living like a student in the middle of their summer holidays, and start doing more with my life. Evolving into a (still young) grown-up. Or at least someone who can pass for one when necessary. This is mainly due to me having a proper full-time job offer which starts mid-February.

So what does this entail?

I'm going to start improving all aspects of my life, and through this blog you will accompany me on the journey. These facets of my life include how I spend my time, how I dress (because most of my clothes are about 5 years old - I have no sense of personal style other than 'this is clean'), how I eat, my living space, my mental space (I will learn what's going on in the world!), and anything else I can think of!

This is not going to be a fashion blog, or a food blog, or an 'insert x' blog. This is going to be a combination of all the things required to make it in the "adult" world, that place where I can't spend all day talking about the latest Suits fanfiction that I read (not that I can anyway to be honest - the person I usually fan-talk with hasn't seen the show) and lounging around in jeans that have a massive hole in the thigh and slipper-boots. We're going to have anything and everything here, and more besides!

Awesome! Where are you from, by the way?

At the moment I live in London, UK.


All good? Alright then... let's get started!

Go team!

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