Saturday 11 January 2014

The World (Is Going Up In Flames) [Part 1]

Today is Saturday, and we're going to hit the ground running. A few days ago I signed up for Apartment Therapy's January Cure, and whilst we're not going to be doing the task they suggest for today (it's one of my flatmate's months to clean the kitchen), we are going to take a leaf out of their book and tackle my living space.

So what do we have to work with?

Problem area #1: All the stuff that gets moved from the bed to the couch and back again every single day.

Problem area #2: All the clothes that were in my suitcase from when I moved in 6 months ago but I have yet to do anything with, except dump on the floor when I needed to use said suitcase two weeks ago.

Problem area #3: I like to pretend this bit doesn't exist. It's all just a giant, horrible hallucination.

And finally, problem area #4. The box underneath the desk is full of cookbooks that I have no bookshelf space for. I'm not really sure what to do with them right now. I also want a bigger desk at some point, and to put the television (which doesn't work at the moment) on a coffee table. But all these things cost money, which, alas, I have none of right now.

It's a huge task, so I'm giving myself the whole weekend to do it. Or, I'm giving myself all of today and then a few hours tomorrow, since I'm museum/art gallery/walk-in-the-park -ing tomorrow. Whilst this isn't going to be a post-everyday blog, check in tomorrow to see how I did. I'll give you a hint... it's not looking too shabby!

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