Wednesday 26 March 2014

Pound the alarm

Currently reading: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett

No song of the day today, as much as I'd like to be listening to something a little upbeat (such as our current title-influence). We're listening to a training course in basic Excel skills whilst we go about our other tasks and talk about ourselves in the plural for some unknown reason.

There hasn't been an update here in a long time for the simple reason that my new job is extremely immersing, and I haven't even properly started working yet! Four weeks of training were meant to culminate in my first role starting last Monday, but I've had the worst luck in the world and that was cancelled, as was the role I was assigned to following that mishap. But we seem to be back on track and I'll be starting my first actual role tomorrow, nearly a full six weeks after officially starting the job.

In some ways, the job being so immersive so far has been good. I've got to know quite a lot of people, I've barely had time to stop and think "what am I doing?", although that has cropped up a little over the last few days, and they provided me with some wonderful food. I was also able to spend two weeks in the US, which is always a nice bonus.

But it hasn't all been sunshine and daisies. Oh no. And the main problem we're going to discuss in this blog post is something we've talked about before.

How on earth do people keep their living spaces tidy!?

This is the situation:

Problem area uno

Problem area dos

And yes, I realise this has only got worse.

This is even worse than when I decided to sort my room out initially! To be honest, my room doesn't completely look like the above. These pictures were taken a couple of days ago. Some parts are better, some parts are worse. Problem area #3 hasn't changed. There are a lot of large empty cardboard boxes in the middle of the room.

I know I need to just grit my teeth and get on with putting things back in their place, but that's a large part of the problem. I'm not sure where a lot of things should go, there's no home for them. For example, my new stretchy bands to use during pilates, or the new pc accessories I have for work. There's just no storage space! I solved one storage problem a few weeks ago, as you can see in the first image, and bought somewhere to stack all my shoes. I think my next purchase needs to be an organiser to hang over my door, because the one hook I have is being seriously overloaded at the moment.

I have to learn how to stay on top of this. I need to sort out storage, buy some baskets maybe, or another bookshelf, and I need to get used to putting things away straight away. Otherwise I'm living in a mess, and it makes me feel unprofessional and lazy. It makes me feel less of a sort-of-adult, and it just doesn't feel like home! So once I've finished this bit of training, I'm going to get to work. The reason I decided to address this issue here is that I'll feel more accountable. I'll have to do it just so that I don't leave this as a lasting impression!

Regular service will resume shortly.

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